sampath kumar

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Hello world !

This is sampath ! Just a random kid from nintendo’s generation who do codes for fun and to pay bills ! Software developer by day and indie hacker by night with sound knowledge in building scalable backend systems, architecting infrastructure solutions , containers and orchestrations with beautifule tools like kubernetes.

If you want to scale your product/ refactoring code base/ tweaking architecture design feel free to shoot an email :

When i’m not coding, I would be playing chess, strumming my guitar, reading books, focusing my lens, improvising my culinary skills, Doodling pretty rarely, Pretending to be a film buff

My Blogs/Vlogs:

  • Pythonsnippetizer :
    My blog for beginner level python coders to use as a cheat sheet to refer things straight away !

  • Djangosnippetizer :
    My blog for beginner level python devs who wish to explore things regarding Django.

  • My Twitchstream :
    My twitch stream where I stream about programming/games.

My competitive programming profiles:

Products aka hobby projects I built/building :

  • Daily Journal :
    A simple personal activities tracker built for myself to jot down things.

  • Tweety :
    A Twitter marketing tool with hell lots of batteries ! work in progress !

  • Standup meeting :
    A standup meeting logger which will comes in handy for people who are supposed to be at top level of a startup, who have to go through a hell lot of emails on a daily basis, standup meeting provides a crystal clear view to follow up emails without much hassle.

  • Todolister:
    A typical todolist app ! nothing fancy !

  • Compareit:
    A simple online price comparer I built as a part of saturday night home hackathon.

Tools/libraries I built/building:

  • Goodreads facebook messengerbot:
    A simple messenger bot built with python and IBM watson which will help users by suggesting whether to buy a book or not after analyzing it’s reviews from Goodreads.

  • Django anypayment:
    A django library for implementing payment gateways in a hassle free way (work in progress)

  • Pyirctc :
    A python module to access irctc in a hassle free way. (Just initialized)

  • Pymigrator :
    A python module to migrate your codes from one version to another in a hassle free way (work in progress)

  • Pyrucksack :
    Pyrucksack will automate the process of taking backups of your project. (need enhancement)

  • RedisEngine:
    Python DB api for redis (Just initialized)

  • Bootstrap migrator :
    A python script to automate the process of migrating bootstrap 3 to bootstrap 4 (work in progress)

  • Alfred:
    Alfred is your assistant which will helps you to setup all the environments when you switched from windows to linux. (need enhancement)

  • Voyager :
    A python script which will be your travel assistant. (Just initialized)

  • Google datastrore backup :
    Python script to take backup from google datastore and save it as a csv file.

  • Mail sender :
    A simple mail sending bot which would obligate you to send email in your day to day activities.

  • News Hunter :
    A simple python script which will hunt news from your favourite online newspapers.

Mobile apps/games I built/building:

  • [Panam] A Currency converter app I built to learn mobile dev (work in progress)

Design :

Music :


  • [mandarin] (started learning)
  • [french] (started learning)